Blogathons ahoy: catching up/anticipating
- I've half-finished my piece on Ken Jacobs' Star Spangled to Death for Girish's quite wonderful avant-blogathon, though I seem to have lost half of that half. I'll finish it when you least expect it.
- I haven't done any viewing for Brian HoFB's Freleng blogathon, so I'm not going to get that in on time either. So let me commit to eventually blogging about the highest-placed of my Arbitrary Top Ten Friz Films (all Warners of course) that no one else gets to:
- Little Red Riding Rabbit (Red is one of the few of Bugs' adversaries with the moxie to compete with him)
- You Ought to Be in Pictures (Daffy convinces Porky he should be a live action star, mayhem ensues on the Warners lot -- I'll be shocked if no one writes about this)
- Bugs and Thugs (Thug: "Stop right there rabbit! How much do you know?" Bugs: "Oh I know uh lotsa things! Two and two is four, Carson City is the capital of Nevada, uh, George Washington was the first president...")
- Slick Hare (Humphrey Bogart wants rabbit for dinner, Elmer tries to oblige)
- The Three Little Bops (the Three Little Pigs as jazz musos)
- Back Alley Oproar (yeah those Warners guys really liked their opera spoofs)
- Bugs Bunny Rides Again (Yosemite Sam: "This town ain't big enough for the two of us"; Bugs builds a bigger town)
- Tweetie Pie (first Tweety & Sylvester)
- Bad Ol' Putty Tat (Tweety becomes a shuttlecock)
- Life with Feathers (pre-Tweety, this time a bird wants Sylvester to eat him)
- All this reminds me why I no longer write for Real Publications with Real Deadlines.
At 12:18 pm,
Brian Darr said…
Brad, I'd be thrilled to add a belated entry on any of these cartoons to the Blog-a-Thon links list! By my count, only #3, 5 and 6 were discussed in depth by one of the participants. I was a little surprised nobody picked Little Red Riding Rabbit or You Oughta Be in Pictures.
(But I don't mean to put any pressure on you!)
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